

The master programme deepens the skills acquired during the bachelor's course in Rhaeto-Romance language and literature. In the linguistics section, emphasis is placed on aspects of individual and societal multilingualism, as well as on more practical issues of the use and promotion of the language. The literary section of the course takes a more in-depth look at the literary traditions of the canton of Grisons, including in relation to neighbouring literary traditions, and with a particular focus on the critical application of theoretical models. An internship allows students to relate theory to actual fields of work. Graduates are qualified to work in Rhaeto-Romance institutions, the media or teaching, and research.
The master programme requires thorough knowledge of at least one variant of Rhaeto-Romance. A number of lectures will be in German and/or French.

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    Profile of the study programme

    In the Rhaeto-Romance master programme, the competences acquired during the bachelor's degree are systematised and critically applied. The programme consists of two compulsory 15 ECTS modules, both comprising lectures and classes on linguistics and literature.
    In the linguistics section, the focus is on structural language description and sociolinguistics. In the first module, the students study theoretical literature at various linguistic levels of analysis and conduct their own empirical investigations. The second module looks at practical issues of the use and promotion of the language, individual and societal approaches to multilingualism, and the institutional documentation of the language and culture.
    In the literary section of both modules, students look more deeply into the literary tradition of the Rhaeto-Romance-speaking canton of Grisons, including in relation to neighbouring literary traditions. Particular attention is paid to questions specific to the genre, as well as to the problems that arise when applying models of literary theory and criticism to a regional literature.
    During their internship in a Rhaeto-Romance institution or one with links to such an institution (Lia Rumantscha, Institut dal Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun, Post da translaziun da la Chanzlia Chantunala, Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha, schools, Swiss Literary Archives etc.), students obtain insight into potential fields of work.

    Fribourg profile
    The University of Fribourg is the only higher education establishment in Switzerland apart from the University of Zurich to offer studies in Rhaeto-Romance language and literature. The Rhaeto-Romance course in Fribourg puts the emphasis on linguistics, whereby sociolinguistics and language-contact issues are given particular consideration. The study programme offers opportunities for collaboration within the Department of Multilingualism and Foreign Language Education, and exploits synergies with the Institute of Multilingualism. On behalf of the Swiss government, this Research Centre investigates current issues of Swiss language policy, schools and teaching, language skills and how to assess them, as well as migration and labour.

    Learning outcomes and career openings
    At the master's level, students acquire sound, practice-related skills in Rhaeto-Romance language and literature. Graduates will have the capacity to conduct their own independent research and will have developed critical thinking skills. These skills are in demand in a variety of career fields, such as teaching at secondary level I or II, media (radio, press, TV, Internet), work in Rhaeto-Romance or Rhaeto-Romance-related language and cultural institutions (Lia Rumantscha, Institut dal Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun, Swiss Literary Archives etc.), translation and administration (Chanzlia Chantunala, Chanzlia Federala), the book industry and publishing, as well as in project work and research.
    The master's degree meets the requirements for admission to the Teaching Diploma for Academic Upper Secondary Schools (Diplôme d'enseignement pour les écoles de maturité, DEEM/Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen, LDM). Moreover, graduates are qualified to take up an academic career.
    Given the relatively low number of university graduates in Rhaeto-Romance, people with that qualification are always in great demand on the labour market in Grisons, in the federal administration, universities and a variety of national research projects.

Studies organisation

Structure of studies

30 ECTS credits as a minor study programme or a specialisation programme


Key points

Degree conferred


Languages of study

Study in Rhaeto-Romance. A number of lectures will be in German and/or French.

Commencement of studies

Commencement of studies in the Autumn Semester (September) or in the Spring Semester (February)

Access to further studies



Faculty of Humanities
Department of Multilingualism and Foreign Language Education
Prof. Matthias Grünert
Dr Renzo Caduff