

This bachelor programme provides the essential basis for understanding business management tools for companies and nonprofit organisations such as hospitals, associations and international organisations but also for public administration. Students are equipped with methodological, professional and social skills. Future graduates are trained in making decisions in a changing and complex economic environment, and acquire specific methods for analysing and understanding socioeconomic phenomena. A wide range of courses provides a solid knowledge and allows students to develop their skills in the different areas of management. In synergy with other subjects in the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, courses are also provided in economics and information management.

  • Show the study programme profile

    Profile of the study programme

    The management discipline covers all methods required to make decisions related to the various sectors and functions of companies: production, finance, marketing, accounting and control, human resources, strategy, etc. Management consists of formulating strategic objectives and optimising the use of material, financial and human resources. It also involves finding the right compromise between the potentially conflicting goals of stakeholders and the opportunities presented by the markets. Management is relevant for companies as well as for non-profit organisations such as hospitals, associations and international organisations, and in the public administration.

    Fribourg profile
    The study programme provides the essential bases for understanding business administration tools and at the same time creates synergies with other areas in the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences. Therefore the programme also comprises courses in the fields of economics and information management.

    Learning outcomes
    This programme provides foundations in business administration. It allows students to continue with a master programme in management or economics, or to embark directly their career. The latter option often requires additional training, provided by the company.

    Methodological skills
    Preparing future graduates to make decisions in a changing and complex economic environment involves the acquisition of methods enabling them to structure the way they approach problems and develop adequate solutions. The programme provides a range of quantitative and qualitative methods that enable future managers to analyse and understand socio-economic phenomena (market developments, consumer preferences, organisational conflicts and company performance, etc.). Students learn these methods in lessons, group projects, case studies, exercises and presentations, and finish their bachelor by writing a scientific bachelor thesis.

    Professional skills
    The wide range of courses allows students to acquire a solid knowledge, combined with advanced expertise in different areas of management. This bachelor programme benefits from the scientific skills of the professors who integrate the most up-todate research results into their courses. The university environment also provides an essential inter-disciplinary dimension for understanding modern management issues.

    Social skills
    Work in small groups in a bilingual and multi-cultural context encourages the development of social, linguistic and cultural skills. In addition to professional skills, this experience is highly valued by companies that operate in a multi-cultural environment.

    Career openings
    The bachelor in business administration/management provides future graduates with all the knowledge and methods they need to understand how a company functions and how to make decisions. Graduates will be able to address the challenges of large multinational companies or small and medium enterprises in operational, market research, auditor or junior consultant positions.

Studies organisation

Structure of studies

180 ECTS credits, 6 semesters



The following Swiss school-leaving certificates grant admission to bachelor programmes at the University of Fribourg:

  • Swiss academic Maturity Certificate
  • Federal vocational or specialised Baccalaureate + supplementary examination of the Swiss Maturity Commission (passerelle)
  • Bachelor Degree from a Swiss university, from an accredited Swiss university of applied sciences (HES/FH) or from a Swiss university of teacher education (HEP/PH)

A complete list of all further recognised Swiss school-leaving certificates is to be found on the webpages of swissuniversities (in French and German only):;
Foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates are recognised only if they correspond substantially to the Swiss Maturity Certificate. They must qualify as general education. Foreign school-leaving certificates are considered to be general education if, among other things, the last three years of schooling include at least six general education subjects, independent from each other, in accordance with the following list:

  1. First language
  2. Second language
  3. Mathematics
  4. Natural sciences (biology or chemistry or physics)
  5. Humanities and social sciences (geography or history or economics/law)
  6. Elective (computer sciences or philosophy or an additional language or an additional subject from category 4 or 5)

The general admission requirements to the bachelor programmes at the University of Fribourg for holders of foreign school-leaving certificates as well as the admission requirements for individual countries are to be found on the webpages of swissuniversities:
In addition, foreign candidates must present proof of sufficient language skills in French or German.
All guidelines are available at (only in French and German):

The assessment of foreign school-leaving certificates is based on the «Recommendations for the Assessment of Foreign Upper Secondary School-Leaving Certificates» adopted by the Chamber of universities of swissuniversities on 11.11.2021 (; The admission requirements are valid for the respective academic year. The Rectorat of the University of Fribourg reserves the right to change these requirements at any time.


Also offered as a minor study programme (60/30 ECTS credits).

Key points

Degree conferred

Bachelor of Arts in Management

Languages of study

Possibility to study in French, in German or in French and German. Some courses are offered in English.


Option of an award bearing the distinction «Bilingual curriculum, French/German».

Commencement of studies

Commencement of studies only in the Autumn Semester (September)

Access to further studies



Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
Dean's Office