French as a Foreign Language


The bachelor programme «French as a foreign language» (FLE) provides theoretical and practical training for teaching FLE to a range of target groups, including children and adults.
The course is delivered through lessons and seminars to consolidate various aspects of students' knowledge of French – linguistics, language acquisition, didactics, culture and interculturality – in relation to teaching and learning.
The Fribourg University's FLE bachelor programme is based on a multilingual approach in more than one way: the multilingual environment that is a feature of the city of Fribourg, the placing of FLE studies in the «Multilingualism and Foreign Language Education» Domain, and the links with the research conducted at the Institute of Multilingualism.

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    Profile of the study programme

    The bachelor programme «French as a foreign language» (FLE) is broken down into four subject areas, as follows below.

    The language practice subject area is an opportunity for students to expand and consolidate their foreign or second language learning experience. Non-Francophone students will develop their written and oral French skills with a view to reaching level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. A three-month language course will also enable them to fine-tune their skills by being fully immersed in a French-speaking environment. French-speaking students will start to learn a new foreign language and will develop their knowledge of another language through tandem learning. These two experiences aim to foster discussions on the learning process, and to develop practices based on interaction and communication strategies.

    The applied linguistics subject area introduces theoretical notions for the description of French language. These notions are then applied in seminars aimed at teaching practice, with a particular focus on teaching grammar and vocabulary, and the use of media in language classes.

    The FLE didactics section includes a theoretical introduction to foreign and second language acquisition. This theoretical approach will then be completed with a range of seminars that focus on the development of practical knowledge and FLE teaching skills, such as assessment tools, oral and written didactics, literature, information and communication technologies for teaching, and the teaching of French aimed at migrants (French as a school language and French for Specific Purposes).

    Lastly, the «intercultural» section deals with the cultural, literary, artistic and intercultural aspects of the French language and French-speaking regions.

    Fribourg profile
    The Fribourg University's FLE training fosters the development of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, critical assessment and personal considerations of learning French from the teacher's and the learner's point of view. The enhanced knowledge of linguistic, didactic, cultural and intercultural aspects and of second and foreign language learning theories provides a solid grounding for professions related to French language and francophone culture.

    FLE studies are not only a means to learn and teach French. They also consider French as a language for integration and school education. This course is particularly relevant in these times of increased mobility and migration.

    As it is part of the «Multilingualism and Foreign Language Education» Domain, the Fribourg University's FLE course is fully open to multilingualism in terms of its practical applications and research fields, in particular through its close ties with the research conducted at the Institute of Multilingualism.

    Learning outcomes and career openings
    Graduates will have the technical skills needed to teach French as a foreign or second language, in Switzerland and abroad.

    They have knowledge of the theories, notions and approaches of linguistics, the teaching of foreign languages and intercultural studies, which are the foundations of modern foreign language learning. Being aware of the trends in these disciplines, graduates are able to consider and discuss emerging theories. They can analyse and assess FLE teaching notions and methods, and are able to observe, prepare and assess language learning processes.

    Career opportunities include, among others, teaching French in different contexts, at school or as part of support for migrants, language learning for adults, exchange programmes, the promotion of languages in corporate or professional environments, the bilingual teaching of language and subjects, or creative activities in the field of foreign languages.

Studies organisation

Structure of studies

60 ECTS credits as a minor study programme


Key points

Degree conferred


Languages of study

Study in French

Commencement of studies

Commencement of studies in the Autumn Semester (September) or in the Spring Semester (February)

Access to further studies

As a general rule, this bachelor programme qualifies students for the master programme: French as a Foreign Language/French as a Second Language.


Faculty of Humanities
Department of Multilingualism and Foreign Language Education
Alessandra Keller-Gerber