Comparative Literature
Fribourg profile
The Institute of General and Comparative Literature offers a doctoral training in the field of literature from Antiquity to the contemporary period and in literary theory and interculturality.
The programme provides the opportunity to cover these fields of study in all aspects and in the multiplicity of their manifestations. It fosters a mindset of exchange and promotes intense collaboration between professors and doctoral students, thanks to the doctoral programme in collaboration with the Universities of Zurich and Geneva – and with the Institute's international partners.
The theses directed within the Institute can cover many fields, including:
- Poetic, historic and thematic issues
- Literary theory
- Interdisciplinary and transversal issues
- Intercultural, post-colonial and global perspectives
Professors who are eligible to supervise theses
- N.N.
American literature - Prof. Arnd Beise
Modern German literature - Prof. Hugo Bizzarri
Medieval Spanish literature - Prof. Paola Borsa
Medieval and modern Italian literature - Prof. Claude Bourqui
Modern French literature - Prof. Elisabeth Dutton
Medieval English literature - Prof. Christian Genetelli
Modern Italian literature - Prof. Cornelia Herberichs
Medieval German literature - Prof. Jens Herlth
Slavic literature - Prof. Thomas Hunkeler
Modern French literature, literature theory - Prof. Tom Kindt
Modern German literature, literature theory - Ass.Prof. Jacob Lachat
French Literature - Ass.Prof. Timothée Léchot
French Literature - Prof. Uberto Motta
Modern Italian literature - Prof. Ralph Müller
Modern German literature - Francisco Ramírez Santacruz
Modern Iberian and Latin-American literature - Ass.Prof. Kilian Schindler
Early modern English literature - Prof. Karin Schlapbach
Ancient literature - Prof. Thomas Schmidt
Ancient literature - PD Dr Martin Steinrück
Ancient literature - Prof. Julia Straub
Modern English literature - Prof. Marion Uhlig
Medieval French literature
Note: For more details on the areas of specialisation, view the corresponding department's Web page.
Studies organisation
Structure of studies
No ECTS credits can be earned.
Doctoral school (French) (German)
In order to be admitted to a doctorate the candidate must have been awarded an academic bachelor's and master's degree or an equivalent qualification from a university recognised by the University of Fribourg.
Before applying for a doctorate the candidate must contact a professor who would be willing to supervise the thesis work.
There is no general right to be admitted to a doctorate.
The respective conditions of admission for each doctoral study programme are reserved.
Key points
Degree conferred
Philosophiae Doctor in Litteris Generalibus et Comparativis / Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Literature (PhD)
Commencement of studies
An application for admission may be submitted at any time.
Regulation (French and German only)
Application procedure
Candidates with Swiss qualifications
Candidates with foreign qualifications
Faculty of Humanities
Institute of Comparative Literature
Prof. Jacob Lachat
Dr Sophie Jaussi (French) (German)