
Fribourg profile

The doctoral programme in Psychology is an integrated approach consisting of research, academic training and interventions. It provides doctoral students with an in-depth understanding of the theoretical foundations of the chosen sub-discipline and the research methods used in this sub-discipline. Doctoral students will learn to generate innovative knowledge based on strict methodologies and work with academic research teams or local companies. The research projects take place in the University of Fribourg laboratories. Currently 30 students are trained in these laboratories and have the opportunity to take part in research seminars at the University. They are also encouraged to present their research at national and international psychology conferences. This facilitates interactions between students and experienced researchers and allows students to develop a network for collaborations and for their future employment. For the same reason, they are encouraged/have the possibility to take part in one of the transuniversity doctoral schools affiliated to the department, such as the Programme doctoral romand en Psychologie, organised by the CUSO, the Lemanic Neuroscience Doctoral School (LNDS) or BeNeFRi exchanges.

Doctors from the University of Fribourg go on to pursue successful careers in a wide variety of fields, such as research and teaching at the University, teaching in schools and academic upper secondary schools, research in industry or scientific publications.

Professors who are eligible to supervise theses

  • Prof. Roberto Caldara

Areas of specialisation:
– Visual and social neuroscience

  • Prof. Valérie Camos

Areas of specialisation:
– Cognitive psychology and cognitive development
– Working memory & executive functions

  • PD Dr Pascal Gygax

Areas of specialisation:
– Language and cognitive processes
– Social Cognition

  • Prof. Petra Klumb

Areas of specialisation:
– Personnel and organisational psychology
– Psychology of health and social relations in the workplace

  • Prof. Salome Kurth

Areas of specialisation:
– Development of sleep regulation
– Maturation of neuronal networks
– Mapping with high-density electroencephalography
– Cognitive development in early childhood
– Interaction with family context, nutrition, and gut microbiome

  • Prof. Chantal Martin-Sölch

Areas of specialisation:
– Clinical psychology and experimental psychopathology
– Psychological interventions, psychology of health, clinical neuroscience and neuroimaging, depression, stress and trauma linked to disorders, anorexia

  • Prof. Simone Munsch

Areas of specialisation:
– Clinical psychology and Psychotherapy, experimental psychopathology, psychophysiology, eating disorders

  • Prof. Björn Rasch

Areas of specialisation:
– Cognitive neuroscience
– Sleep, memory & health

  • Prof. Jürgen Sauer

Areas of specialisation:
– Cognitive ergonomics and work psychology
– Interactive consumer products, automation and complex work environments

  • Prof. Dominik Schöbi

Areas of specialisation:
– Clinical psychology of the family, health psychology
– Intimate relationships, interpersonal emotional dynamics, relational distress

  • Prof. Petra Vetter

Areas of specialisation:
– Visual and Cognitive Neuroscience
– Visual and Multisensory Perception, Consciousness, Eye Movements, Neuroimaging

Studies organisation

Structure of studies

No ECTS credits can be earned.

Doctoral school


In order to be admitted to a doctorate the candidate must have been awarded an academic bachelor's and master's degree or an equivalent qualification from a university recognised by the University of Fribourg.

Before applying for a doctorate the candidate must contact a professor who would be willing to supervise the thesis work.

There is no general right to be admitted to a doctorate.

The respective conditions of admission for each doctoral study programme are reserved.

Key points

Degree conferred

Rerum Naturalium Doctor in Psychologia / Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)

Commencement of studies

An application for admission may be submitted at any time.

Regulation (French and German only)

Application procedure

Candidates with Swiss qualifications

Candidates with foreign qualifications


Faculty of Humanities
Department of Psychology
Dr Laurent Rossier (French)
Dr Stefan Pichelmann (German)