Sociology (FR)
Fribourg profile
The professors teaching the Sociology programme of the Department of Social Science supervise theses on different issues, using a variety of methods. Theses can be written in different languages. The Department gives equal priority to fundamental research in sociology as well as empirical and action or application-oriented projects. Supervision is individual or provided in the context of specific doctoral programmes: the French-language Programme Doctoral Romand en Sociologie (PDRS), funded by the Conference of Western Switzerland's Universities (CUSO), or the English, French and German-language programme Migration and Postcoloniality Meet Switzerland.
Doctoral students doing the doctoral programmes (PDRS, Migration and Postcoloniality Meet Switzerland) regularly present their work and receive feedback from national and international experts, professors and programme participants. They also have the opportunity to network with international researchers. The doctoral students are encouraged to present their work at scientific conferences and are supported in doing so.
All details (theme, method, language) are agreed with the thesis supervisor.
Professors who are eligible to supervise theses
- Prof. Esther González Martínez
Areas of specialisation:
– Language and society. Analysis of practices and social interactions
– Communication and work activities in an institutional context, particularly regarding health, justice and education; nursing work
– Ethnomethodology, analysis of conversation, multimodal analysis, video ethnography
Theses can be supervised in French, English or Spanish.
- Prof. Francesca Poglia Mileti
Areas of specialisation:
– Migration and interethnic relations. Social categorisations and identities
– Youth and intergenerational relations
– Economic, work and political sociology
– Health and gender
Theses can be supervised in French, English or Italian.
- Prof. Muriel Surdez
Areas of specialisation:
– Sociology of professional groups, work and public policy. Changing professional careers and identities
– State reforms, new public management and work of public servants, particularly in food safety policies and agricultural policies
– Construction of public problems and political sociology (political socialisation, interest groups)
Theses can be supervised in French or English.
Studies organisation
Structure of studies
No ECTS credits can be earned.
Doctoral school
In order to be admitted to a doctorate the candidate must have been awarded an academic bachelor's and master's degree or an equivalent qualification from a university recognised by the University of Fribourg.
Before applying for a doctorate the candidate must contact a professor who would be willing to supervise the thesis work.
There is no general right to be admitted to a doctorate.
The respective conditions of admission for each doctoral study programme are reserved.
Key points
Degree conferred
Philosophiae Doctor in Sociologia / Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (PhD)
Commencement of studies
An application for admission may be submitted at any time.
Regulation (French and German only)
Application procedure
Candidates with Swiss qualifications
Candidates with foreign qualifications
Faculty of Humanities
Department of Social Sciences
Sociology Unit
Prof. Esther González Martínez
Prof. Francesca Poglia Mileti
Prof. Muriel Surdez
Brigitte Hirschi Lizzola, secretary