

The master programme in History at the University of Fribourg combines comprehensive historical knowledge with a focus on individual eras and themes. Students specialise in two of the following eras: ancient history, the Middle Ages, modern times and contemporary history. They write a thesis based on these two chosen periods as a result of their independent research.
The programme is rounded off with survey courses covering more than one era which serve to consolidate methodical skills. Students are also invited to attend application and career-orientated events, which focus on work in archives, libraries, companies, political and legal institutions and non-profit organisations.

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    Profile of the study programme

    The master programme at the University of Fribourg combines comprehensive historical knowledge with a focus on individual eras and topics; it associates broadening knowledge with expanding research abilities.

    The master programme imparts and requires extensive skills in the methodology of history studies, in source analysis, identification of old handwriting, in the processing of large quantities of data, understanding of culturally and chronologically different mentalities, in the critical evaluation of previous research, linguistic expression, knowledge organisation and the ability to read and understand research literature. Specialisation in ancient history therefore requires competence in Greek or Latin. Latin is also necessary for focusing on the Middle Ages. These languages can be learnt or consolidated through courses offered at the University of Fribourg. Information technology courses are also available. Methodological tools are accumulated through theoretical concepts of philosophy, sociology, religion and anthropology.

    The master programme focuses on two eras, which students can select from ancient history, the Middle Ages, modern times and contemporary history. The programme is composed of courses focused on all eras. The thesis is based on these two chosen eras and is developed through extensive research. Intensive preparation is provided through the presenta

    tion and discussion of intermediate results, established in colloquia organised jointly by students and tutors. Application and career-orientated events, especially work in archives, libraries, companies, political and legal institutions and non-profit organisations, expand the students' knowledge as well as skills for recovering and evaluating information.

    The extensive range of cultural science courses offered by the University of Fribourg fosters interdisciplinary cooperation. Students are invited to select courses from the study programmes in, e.g. philosophy, theology, art history, musicology, european studies, law, economics and sociology, according to their individual interests. There are a number of official ties between the history department of the University of Fribourg and other fields of study, for example for courses focused on a particular era such as Antiquity, the Middle Ages, modern times or Contemporary History, or courses based on specific themes, such as regional history, gender history, history of political thought or history of religion. Agreements with universities in Switzerland and abroad generate programmes for students who have a common interest in both broadening their knowledge and improving their cultural competence.

    The master's course is distinguished first and foremost by the freedom it gives students to design their studies according to the themes and subjects of their choice.

    Learning outcomes and career openings
    Graduates with a Master of Arts in Historical Sciences are distinguished by their ability to identify social connections and to evaluate and categorise them critically. Their competence and knowledge are valued in all fields of employment which involve communication methods which have been shaped by history and culture. Qualified history teachers play a vital role in transferring history to future generations; history studies and the additional teaching and education course form the basis for such a career. The study of history also provides career opportunities in public relations, journalism, national and international organisations and in institutions which serve to store, process and present knowledge of the past, i.e. in archives, libraries and museums. Careers in higher education and research require a doctorate, which can be obtained through the broad spectrum of research projects offered by the University of Fribourg. History graduates are not limited to any single career option; they are highly sought after in fields involving teaching, transferring information to the media and safeguarding knowledge about the past.

Studies organisation

Structure of studies

90 ECTS credits + 30 ECTS credits as an option in a minor study programme freely chosen or in a specialisation programme, 3 to 4 semesters



Master's degree programmes are built on the knowledge and abilities that were acquired when obtaining a bachelor's degree.

Holders of a bachelor's degree awarded by a Swiss university are admitted to a master's degree programme without any preconditions if they have earned 60 or 90 ECTS credits – depending on the chosen master's degree programme – within the corresponding discipline. However, additional requirements can be required. The same applies to holders of a bachelor's degree awarded by a foreign university, provided that the bachelor's degree is recognised and considered equivalent by the University of Fribourg.

Holders of a bachelor's degree awarded by a Swiss or a foreign university, provided that the bachelor's degree is recognised and considered equivalent by the University of Fribourg, who do not fulfil this condition can be admitted to a master's degree programme with preconditions (which must be successfully completed before starting the master's degree programme) and/or additional requirements (which can be completed during the master's degree programme). The preconditions and/or additional requirements may not exceed 60 ECTS credits in total. The same applies to holders of a bachelor's degree awarded by a Swiss university of applied sciences, according to existing agreements.

The respective conditions of admission for each master's degree programme are reserved.


Also offered as a minor study programme and as a specialisation programme (30 ECTS credits).

Minor study programmes to be chosen

Key points

Degree conferred

Master of Arts in Historical Sciences: History

Languages of study

Possibility to study in French, in German or in French and German. Some courses are offered in English.


For information on the optional award of the distinction «Bilingual curriculum, French/German», please contact the relevant Department (see Contact).

Commencement of studies

Commencement of studies in the Autumn Semester (September) or in the Spring Semester (February)

Access to further studies



Faculty of Humanities
Department of History
Prof. Claire Gantet
http://studies.unifr.ch/go/fr-history (French)
http://studies.unifr.ch/go/de-history (German)