Pedagogy / Psychology
If you are interested in teaching pedagogy and psychology in baccalaureate schools and upper secondary specialised schools, this master programme will enable you to present an overall view of both these disciplines and their specific features. In doing so, you will be helping the pupils to choose a line of study, and also to gain a better understanding of how the individual functions as a child, as a teenager, and as an adult, and the risks associated with these periods of life.
The course, which is divided equally between classes and seminars on psychology and teaching in education sciences, will allow you to broaden the knowledge you acquired during your bachelor's degree. You can choose this programme either as a minor or major. Moreover, you can take the course in French, in German or bilingually, which will considerably strengthen your employability.
If you have only studied one of these disciplines at the bachelor level, you will need to do a pre-master's course to catch up the required level in the other teaching subject.
- Show the study programme profile
Profile of the study programme
The master programme is aimed at students who have completed the bachelor's course of the same name and are considering continuing their studies to obtain a Diplôme d'enseignement pour les écoles de maturité (DEEM)/Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen (LDM) (teaching diploma for baccalaureate schools and upper secondary specialised schools). Holders of a bachelor's degree in just one of these two disciplines must first of all take a pre-master's course to catch up the required level in the second discipline.
Like the bachelor programme in Pedagogy/Psychology, this programme is divided equally between classes and seminars in psychology and teaching in educational sciences. It can be taken either as a major teaching subject (discipline d'enseignement I/Unterrichtsfach I) or minor teaching subject (discipline d'enseignement II/Unterrichtsfach II) for the DEEM/LDM diploma. Students taking this as the major field of study for their master's degree, that is as «discipline d'enseignement I/Unterrichtsfach I» of their teaching diploma, write a master's thesis encompassing both disciplines, focusing on school and the behaviour or functioning of its key players – pupils, teachers, heads and parents.Fribourg profile
Designed first and foremost as a cultural course of study, this programme enriches students' knowledge of the two disciplines which go to make it up and applies it to all the fields and approaches covered by them. Strictly speaking, it therefore broadens rather than deepens the knowledge obtained during the bachelor's degree.
This programme can be taken entirely in French or in German, or bilingually; this greatly increases students' employability as they will be capable of teaching these disciplines to French or German-speaking baccalaureate school and upper secondary specialised school pupils.Learning outcomes and career openings
On completing this programme, students will be capable of presenting an overall view of both these disciplines and their specific features to baccalaureate school and upper secondary specialised school pupils to help them choose their subsequent line of study, as well as giving them a greater understanding of how the individual functions as a child, as a teenager and as an adult, and the risks associated with these different periods of life; they will also gain greater insights into the personal and social issues involved in education.
Note that there are restrictions on the professions of psychologist or psychotherapist and this programme does not give access to them.
Studies organisation
Structure of studies
90 ECTS credits + 30 ECTS credits as an option in a minor study programme, 3-4 semesters
Master's degree programmes are built on the knowledge and abilities that were acquired when obtaining a bachelor's degree.
Holders of a bachelor's degree awarded by a Swiss university are admitted to a master's degree programme without any preconditions if they have earned 60 or 90 ECTS credits – depending on the chosen master's degree programme – within the corresponding discipline. However, additional requirements can be required. The same applies to holders of a bachelor's degree awarded by a foreign university, provided that the bachelor's degree is recognised and considered equivalent by the University of Fribourg.
Holders of a bachelor's degree awarded by a Swiss or a foreign university, provided that the bachelor's degree is recognised and considered equivalent by the University of Fribourg, who do not fulfil this condition can be admitted to a master's degree programme with preconditions (which must be successfully completed before starting the master's degree programme) and/or additional requirements (which can be completed during the master's degree programme). The preconditions and/or additional requirements may not exceed 60 ECTS credits in total. The same applies to holders of a bachelor's degree awarded by a Swiss university of applied sciences, according to existing agreements.
The respective conditions of admission for each master's degree programme are reserved.
Also offered as a minor study programme (30 ECTS credits).
Minor study programmes to be chosen
Art History
Business Informatics
Communication and Society
Comparative Literature
Computer Science
Contemporary History
Culture, Politics and Religion in Pluralist Societies
Eastern European Studies
English Language and Literature
Environmental Biology
Environmental Sciences and Humanities
Ethics and Economics
European Studies
French as a Foreign Language / French as a Second Language
French: Foundational Curriculum
Gender, Society, Social Policy
German as a Foreign Language / German as a Second Language
Greek Studies
Interreligious Studies
Islam and Society
Latin Studies
Medieval Studies
Multilingualism Studies
Musicology and History of Opera
Politics and Society
Slavic Studies
Social Policy and Social Work
Social Problems, Social Policy and Risk Prevention
Sport Sciences
Key points
Degree conferred
Master of Science in Education Sciences
Languages of study
Possibility to study in French or in German. Some courses are offered in English.
Commencement of studies
Commencement of studies in the Autumn Semester (September) or in the Spring Semester (February)
Access to further studies
Faculty of Education
Department of Education Sciences
Xavier Conus (French)
Prof. Sabine Krause (German)