Remedial Education at School (FR)


This master programme dedicated to special needs education, is a university course providing professional training which enables the acquisition of solid theoretical and practical skills for the teaching of pupils with special educational needs. Its strength is to link academic teaching with the learning of practical skills and research training in the field of special needs education in Switzerland and abroad.
Based on recent scientific findings, the research-based curriculum enables you to gain in-depth knowledge of the different forms of disabilities/disorders, to reflect on the concepts of difference, disability and normality, and to acquire means of assessment and intervention that are adapted to the specific needs of pupils concerned by special needs education.

  • Show the study programme profile

    Profile of the study programme

    The programme is open to holders of a bachelor's degree in Primary Education and/or Special Education. The content varies in that students are offered complementary tuition depending on the bachelor's degree held. The course is designed to be taken full time, but it can however be completed part time.

    The course develops an ongoing relationship between teaching at an academic level and the learning of practical skills. The research-based curriculum enables you to gain in-depth knowledge of various concepts: knowledge of different forms of disabilities/disorders, reflection on the concepts of difference, disability and normality, and the acquisition of means of assessment and intervention that are adapted to the specific needs of pupils concerned by special needs education.

    Fribourg profile
    This master programme is based on a solid scientific tradition that has been established at the University of Fribourg for nearly threequarters of a century. It is one of the only French-speaking university courses to offer professional training and research training in the field of special needs education in Switzerland and abroad.
    The final diploma is recognised by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (CDIP/EDK) and enables access to doctoral studies.

    Learning outcomes and career openings
    The programme prepares students to become specialists in all of the current issues in special needs education.

    At the end of their training, students are able to:
    – use diagnostic evaluation procedures adapted to each child, on the basis of personal and environmental characteristics;
    – develop and implement an individualised specialised teaching project taking into account the school, family and social environments;
    – collaborate in an interdisciplinary manner with all the specialists and institutions involved;
    – work in both ordinary and specialised school environments;
    – perform a consulting and support role in relation to the problems which arise in special needs education;
    – engage in theoretical reflection with a scientific basis on the problems and tasks involved and the possible teaching initiatives;
    – evaluate the effectiveness of professional activity using explicit methods;
    – engage in reflection on their personal, social and professional skills with a view to planning ongoing training requirements;
    – construct qualitative and/or quantitative research projects respecting the relevant ethical and deontological codes.

    This master programme is appropriate to careers in teaching, research and training:

    • Teaching in special needs classes (institution);
    • Teaching in development classes (reduced size);
    • Teaching in integration classes;
    • Teaching on an individual support basis (itinerant development class teacher);
    • Counsellor or educational adviser in special needs education;
    • Administration, training and research positions (universities, higher education establishments, research centres).

Studies organisation

Structure of studies

90 ECTS credits + 30 ECTS credits in a supplement, 4 semesters


Limited number of students.


The following persons can be admitted:
a) Candidates with the «Foundations of Special Education» supplement, who are holders of a teaching certificate recognised in Switzerland to teach in regular classes and at least the equivalent of a bachelor;
b) Candidates with the «Foundations of Instruction in Ordinary Classes» supplement, who are holders of a Bachelor of Arts (in Special Education and Social Pedagogy)/Bachelor of Science in Special Education (single field of study) awarded by the Department.

Key points

Degree conferred

Specialised Master of Science in Special Needs Education: Specialising in remedial education at school. This degree also qualifies students for the «Diploma in Special Needs Education: Specialising in remedial education at school». This diploma is a state diploma recognised by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (CDIP/EDK).

Languages of study

Study in French

Commencement of studies

Commencement of studies only in the Autumn Semester (September)

Special features for admission

Late application is not possible.

Access to further studies



Faculty of Education
Department of Special Education
Arnaud Maret, study advisor (French)