Social Policy and Social Work


The study programme «Social Policy and Social Work» has an international and interdisciplinary orientation. Two core themes form the focus of the programme: social inequality and welfare production. Social inequality studies social mechanisms, such as the redistribution of personal opportunities and the concomitant systematic privileges and disadvantages. Social and cultural differences (such as education, income, gender or nationality, ethnic group, religion) play a central role in social inequality. With the core theme of welfare production, an additional focus is placed on the question of the differences between welfare regimes, whereby social work and social policy are seen as an institutional response aimed at preventing or dealing with social problems and conflicts. The study programme provides students with an essential knowledge base for social work from the local level right through to the international and transnational levels.

Studies organisation

Structure of studies

30 ECTS credits as a minor study programme or a specialisation programme


Key points

Degree conferred


Languages of study

Study in German. A number of courses may be offered in English.

Commencement of studies

Commencement of studies in the Autumn Semester (September) or in the Spring Semester (February)


Faculty of Humanities
Department of Social Work, Social Policy and Global Development
Dr Maurizia Masia