Eastern European Studies


The bachelor programme «Eastern European Studies» is a joint programme of the University of Fribourg and the University of Bern. The two universities have combined their diverse Eastern European competences to produce this unique offer.
Students attend classes in Fribourg as well as in Berne. The languages of instruction are German and French. Some classes are also held in English. The programme consists of lectures on contemporary history, cultural studies (Slavic studies and history of ideas) and social sciences (political science and social anthropology). The focus is on the 20th century and on current issues. Students learn at least one of the region's languages during their course of study, with a choice of Russian, Polish, Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian, Ukrainian etc.. This programme provides intensive student care and support.

  • Show the study programme profile

    Profile of the study programme

    The bachelor programme «Eastern European Studies» is a multilingual interfaculty, interuniversity programme. The Universities of Fribourg and Berne have combined their diverse Eastern European competences to produce this unique offer. The Interfaculty Institute for Central and Eastern Europe at the University of Fribourg has an extensive network with contacts to lecturers and researchers from the region. The Institute's numerous research projects and mandates give students ample opportunityto put what they have learned into practice. Seminars are regularly held by researchers from Eastern European countries.

    The programme consists of lectures on contemporary history, cultural studies (Slavic studies and history of ideas) and social sciences (political science and social anthropology). Lectures and seminars take place in Fribourg and Berne. The focus is on the 20th century and on current issues. Students learn at least one language from the region during their studies (Russian, Polish, Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian, Ukrainian etc.). Modularisation, intensive support and interdisciplinarity are key features of the programme.

    Almost half (about 340 million) of the over 700 million Europeans live in Eastern Europe. The region is known for its diversity of languages, cultures, ethnicities and religions. It has grown steadily in political and economic importance in recent years. Students acquire the necessary linguistic, specialist and methodical competences to look at Eastern Europe in all its facets, analyse the current developments in the region, and place them in their political, social, historical and cultural context.

    Fribourg profile
    The programme of studies provides students with a knowledge of:
    – Political, historical, social, literary and cultural issues of Eastern European countries and regions in the 20th and 21st centuries;
    – The theories and history of Eastern European studies;
    – Relevant methods of the studies of Eastern Europe.

    Teaching is mainly in German or French. Some lectures are also held in English. There is mutual recognition of the lectures and seminars in the Eastern Europe Studies programme offered by the Universities of Fribourg and Berne.

    Learning outcomes and career openings
    This programme provides students with the competences to work on academic questions independently: they have access to current research discussions in the multidisciplinary field of Eastern European studies. Graduates of this interdisciplinary programme acquire an all-round knowledge and understanding of Eastern Europe, are familiar with the problems of the region, and are capable of analysing them. The programme qualifies graduates for employment in areas such as the diplomatic service, international organisations, journalism, non-governmental organisations, and commercial enterprises operating in Eastern Europe, etc.

Studies organisation

Structure of studies

120 ECTS credits + 60 ECTS credits in a minor study programme freely chosen, 6 semesters



In principle, students in the major study programme «Eastern European Studies» are free to choose minor study programmes at the two universities of Fribourg and Berne. However, the combination of a major and a minor study programme in Eastern European Studies is not allowed.


The following Swiss school-leaving certificates grant admission to bachelor programmes at the University of Fribourg:

  • Swiss academic Maturity Certificate
  • Federal vocational or specialised Baccalaureate + supplementary examination of the Swiss Maturity Commission (passerelle)
  • Bachelor Degree from a Swiss university, from an accredited Swiss university of applied sciences (HES/FH) or from a Swiss university of teacher education (HEP/PH)

A complete list of all further recognised Swiss school-leaving certificates is to be found on the webpages of swissuniversities (in French and German only): https://studies.unifr.ch/go/fr-admission-swisscertificates; https://studies.unifr.ch/go/de-admission-swisscertificates
Foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates are recognised only if they correspond substantially to the Swiss Maturity Certificate. They must qualify as general education. Foreign school-leaving certificates are considered to be general education if, among other things, the last three years of schooling include at least six general education subjects, independent from each other, in accordance with the following list:

  1. First language
  2. Second language
  3. Mathematics
  4. Natural sciences (biology or chemistry or physics)
  5. Humanities and social sciences (geography or history or economics/law)
  6. Elective (computer sciences or philosophy or an additional language or an additional subject from category 4 or 5)

The general admission requirements to the bachelor programmes at the University of Fribourg for holders of foreign school-leaving certificates as well as the admission requirements for individual countries are to be found on the webpages of swissuniversities: https://studies.unifr.ch/go/en-admission-countries
In addition, foreign candidates must present proof of sufficient language skills in French or German.
All guidelines are available at (only in French and German): https://studies.unifr.ch/go/adm-guidelines

The assessment of foreign school-leaving certificates is based on the «Recommendations for the Assessment of Foreign Upper Secondary School-Leaving Certificates» adopted by the Chamber of universities of swissuniversities on 11.11.2021 (https://studies.unifr.ch/go/swissuniversities21fr; https://studies.unifr.ch/go/swissuniversities21de). The admission requirements are valid for the respective academic year. The Rectorat of the University of Fribourg reserves the right to change these requirements at any time.


Also offered as a minor study programme (60 ECTS credits).

Minor study programmes to be chosen

Key points

Degree conferred

Bachelor of Arts in Eastern European Studies
Universities of Fribourg and Berne

Languages of study

Study in two languages, in French and German. A number of lectures will be in English.

Commencement of studies

Commencement of studies in the Autumn Semester (September) or in the Spring Semester (February)

Access to further studies



Faculty of Humanities
Department of European Studies and Slavic Studies
Pauline Dummermuth, coordinator and study advisor
Bd de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
Marlies Vaucher, secretary
Bd de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
https://studies.unifr.ch/go/fr-easterneuropean-studies (French)
https://studies.unifr.ch/go/de-easterneuropean-studies (German)