Social Work and Social Policy (DE)


This bachelor programme is unique in Switzerland. As an academic programme this combination is offered only at the University of Fribourg. Social work and social policy are fields of action and research, in which social problems are identified and efforts take place to tackle them.
The topics studied focus on people, their objectives, organisational structures and methods of communication when dealing with their social environment. Students learn to recognise and understand the numerous local, national and transnational dimensions of social problems. Social problems do not have one single cause; they are always embedded in a complex fabric of milieu-specific, socio-cultural, political or economic structures.
Empirical social research forms an integral part of the programme. In the second and third years, the students apply what they have learned in an empirical research project.

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    Profile of the study programme

    The «Social Work and Social Policy» degree is unique in Switzerland in three ways: firstly, this combination is offered only at the University of Fribourg (bachelor, master, doctorate). Secondly, the two fields, social work and social policy, are closely associated and considered fields of action and research, in which social problems are identified and efforts take place to tackle them. Thirdly, great value is placed on teaching students to recognise and understand the numerous local, national and transnational dimensions of social problems. Social problems do not have one single cause; they are always embedded in a complex fabric of milieu-specific, socio-cultural, political or economic structures. Empirical, theory-driven and explorative social research constitute an integral part of the programme. This research may be both basic and applied. The degree programme focuses on people, their objectives, organisational structures and methods of communication when dealing with their social environment. It encompasses a wide variety of courses.
    The programme imparts solid theoretical, methodological, methodical and practical skills in an integrated manner. Students acquire a comprehensive range of skills and are well-equipped for their entry onto the labour market. In the second and third years of study, students undertake an empirical research project (bachelor thesis) in which they apply what they have learned, thus completing this bachelor's degree worth 120 ECTS credits. The programme may be studied in German or as a bilingual programme.

    Learning outcomes and career openings
    – In this degree programme students gain flexible skills for dealing with different problem-related demands they are confronted with in a continually changing social environment. The aim of the programme is to raise students' awareness of real or perceived changes in areas of social concern and to enable them to provide a problem-specific, situative and critical response on the basis of scientific findings and concepts using quantitative and qualitative methods;
    – During their studies, students are taught scientific methodologies, sociological theory, and the interdisciplinary approaches used to reflect on and treat social issues. The programme includes an application-oriented introduction to methods of empirical social research and practical exercises;
    – The «Social Work and Social Policy» programme teaches students how to conducting research about social issues on their own. Herewith students acquire professional skills for their future academic or professional environment and may deepen topic-specific knowledge of their own interest;
    – The aim of the programme is to prepare students for a professional career. Students acquire social skills in different types of courses. The course content and professional skills are taught in lectures with integrated discussions, or by working together in groups. Students are encouraged to reflect on the work they do together and on how they organise their work, as this fosters social skills.

    The bachelor's and master's degrees in Social Work and Social Policy provide the theoretical and conceptual tools required for (executive) positions in public and private organisations, for research and teaching, as well as for media work. This training prepares students for professional activities in a wide variety of fields, such as analysis, planning, development, leadership, implementation and evaluation of projects in the field of social services; teaching and training, and work in associations, international organisations or development cooperation organisations, as well as in relief agencies. The degree programme equips students to professionally support activities aiming at tackling social problems in the context of social policies, consulting, or as part of social services.

Studies organisation

Structure of studies

120 ECTS credits + 60 ECTS credits in a minor study programme freely chosen, 6 semesters



This study programme may be chosen jointly with a study programme worth 60 ECTS credits in the «Social Work, Social Policy and Global Development» and «Social Sciences» domains.


The following Swiss school-leaving certificates grant admission to bachelor programmes at the University of Fribourg:

  • Swiss academic Maturity Certificate
  • Federal vocational or specialised Baccalaureate + supplementary examination of the Swiss Maturity Commission (passerelle)
  • Bachelor Degree from a Swiss university, from an accredited Swiss university of applied sciences (HES/FH) or from a Swiss university of teacher education (HEP/PH)

A complete list of all further recognised Swiss school-leaving certificates is to be found on the webpages of swissuniversities (in French and German only):;
Foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates are recognised only if they correspond substantially to the Swiss Maturity Certificate. They must qualify as general education. Foreign school-leaving certificates are considered to be general education if, among other things, the last three years of schooling include at least six general education subjects, independent from each other, in accordance with the following list:

  1. First language
  2. Second language
  3. Mathematics
  4. Natural sciences (biology or chemistry or physics)
  5. Humanities and social sciences (geography or history or economics/law)
  6. Elective (computer sciences or philosophy or an additional language or an additional subject from category 4 or 5)

The general admission requirements to the bachelor programmes at the University of Fribourg for holders of foreign school-leaving certificates as well as the admission requirements for individual countries are to be found on the webpages of swissuniversities:
In addition, foreign candidates must present proof of sufficient language skills in French or German.
All guidelines are available at (only in French and German):

The assessment of foreign school-leaving certificates is based on the «Recommendations for the Assessment of Foreign Upper Secondary School-Leaving Certificates» adopted by the Chamber of universities of swissuniversities on 11.11.2021 (; The admission requirements are valid for the respective academic year. The Rectorat of the University of Fribourg reserves the right to change these requirements at any time.


Also offered as a minor study programme (60 ECTS credits).

Minor study programmes to be chosen

Key points

Degree conferred

Bachelor of Arts

Languages of study

Possibility to study in German or in German and French


For information on the optional award of the distinction «Bilingual curriculum, French/German», please contact the relevant Department (see Contact).

Commencement of studies

Commencement of studies only in the Autumn Semester (September)

Access to further studies

This bachelor programme qualifies students for the master programme Sociology, Social Policy, Social Work.


Faculty of Humanities
Department of Social Work, Social Policy and Global Development
Dr Maurizia Masia