Business Communication


This bachelor's level minor study programme combines theory and practice in the fields of information and communication. The objective is to help students master the different communication skills needed in a variety of constantly changing environments and contexts.
The programme comprises a communication module and a specialisation module, chosen by the student, in management, economics or information systems. It then leads to a full master's level programme in the same topics.
This study programme in Business Communication at the University of Fribourg is unique in its category and offers targeted and highly sought-after academic and professional prospects.

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    Profile of the study programme

    The development of information and communication technologies, the rise of Web 2.0 and new applications have profoundly changed the way all organisations communicate.
    To design a communication strategy, implement a communication plan or pursue a public relations policy for a corporation or institution, solid theoretical bases are required, along with in-depth knowledge of new communication practices to meet the demands of a constantly changing professional environment.
    The bachelor's level minor study programme in Business Communication helps students acquire the theoretical knowledge, skills and know-how required in the fields of information and communication.

    Fribourg profile
    The study programme consists of two modules:

    «Communication and Media» module (30 ECTS credits):
    This module, which is offered in French only, contains a broad variety of lectures: communication and media theory, communication and media strategies, media and new media, public relations, communication and Internet law, surveys and analyses of qualitative data.

    Specialisation module (30 ECTS credits):
    – «Economics», giving direct access to either the Master of Arts in Business Communication, specialisation in Economics or in Ethics and economics;
    – «Information systems», giving direct access to the Master of Arts in Business Communication, specialisation in Information systems;
    – «Management». To access the Master of Arts in Business Communication, specialisation in Management, this programme must be completed with additional Management elements (information can be obtained from the Dean's Office at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences).

    Compulsory courses are supplemented with optional courses in applied communication: on-line multimedia production, Web writing, television, written and oral communication, etc.
    Group works, courses and seminars with a limited number of students are also a feature of this module providing better supervision and more effective teaching.

    Through combining courses in communication with management, economics courses or business computing courses, the programme in Business Communication at the University of Fribourg is unique in its category and provides academic and professional qualifications that are sought after in the business world.

    Learning outcomes
    The main objectives of this study programme are to develop the theoretical and methodological knowledge required in the fields of information, communication and media, and to help students master the different communication skills needed in a variety of constantly changing environments and contexts.
    Students gain insight into the techniques used by corporations and organisations to disseminate information or communicate to different audiences, such as consumers, users, journalists, public authorities, opinion leaders, the general public, etc., and they are given the opportunity to put the acquired knowledge into practice.

    Methodological skills
    The main methodological feature of media and communication sciences is without a doubt transdisciplinarity. Insights and analyses using different approaches and methods from the field of social sciences permit students to grasp the complexity of the field of communication.

    Professional skills
    – Editorial: written communication and Web writing techniques;
    – Digital: creation of content and online media management;
    – Communicational: design and planning of communication strategies for corporations, associations or public institutions;
    – Economic, legal and ethical: knowledge of the business world, analysis of legal and ethical issues.

    Social skills
    Social and organisational skills are encouraged through group works and through the multilingual and multicultural context of the University of Fribourg.

    Career openings
    Continuation to master's level studies may lead to highly qualified positions in the fields of information and communication, particularly in connection with the development of new technologies:

    • Communication manager (internal/external/financial, etc.); spokesperson;
    • Online editor; manager of electronic publications and media;
    • Public relations, events manager; press relations manager;
    • Communications officer;
    • Consultant in Web communication and applications.

Studies organisation

Structure of studies

60 ECTS credits as a minor study programme


Key points

Degree conferred


Languages of study

Study in French. A number of lectures will be in German and in English (according to the student's choice).


  • Business Communication – Management
  • Business Communication – Economics
  • Business Communication – Business Informatics

Commencement of studies

Commencement of studies in the Autumn Semester (September) or in the Spring Semester (February)

Access to further studies

Possible access to the Master of Arts in Business Communication


Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
Dean's Office