Comparative Literature
The University of Fribourg is the only university in Switzerland to offer the possibility of studying Comparative Literature in two languages. The bilingual programme of studies in German and French deals with the interactions of different literatures in an international context.
In General Literature, students acquire the academic instruments to analyse literary texts and address fundamental questions on literature.
Comparative Literature is concerned with comparing works and authors from different linguistic and cultural areas. In Intermedial Comparative Literature, students explore the interactions between literature and other media.
Practice-oriented courses (e.g. on translations or work with manuscripts), interdisciplinary meetings and cultural events from other areas round off the range of courses offered.
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Profile of the study programme
The University of Fribourg is the only university in Switzerland to offer the possibility of studying Comparative Literature (CL) in two languages. The bilingual programme of studies in German and French deals with the interactions of different literatures in an international context. It addresses questions of general literature and combines comparative and intercultural perspectives with theoretical approaches. The aim of the master programme is to provide students with specific skills and methods for the systematic and historical analysis of transnational developments and phenomena in the literatures of Europe and beyond.
General Literature is concerned with the basic concepts of poetics, aesthetics and rhetoric, i.e. the academic instruments which are used, or were used in the past, to analyse literary texts. Among other things, it addresses fundamental questions concerning the concept and definition of literature, the relationship between literature and reality, the effect of literature on its readers, and the systematic allocation and description of literary forms and topoi.
Comparative Literature is concerned with comparing works, authors or groups of authors from different linguistic and cultural areas. The keyword «World Literature» steers the focus of academic interest towards questions of cultural transfer, intertextuality and global networking. The area of thematology in comparative literature examines works and groups of works which are comparable with each other because they use common themes and motives, or deal with similar types of subject matter. Further issues here are traditions and developments and the historical or cultural change in function and meaning of the elements focused on.
Intermedial Comparative Literature is additionally concerned with interactions between literature and other media. The transfer of contents, subject matter and aesthetic forms between various media is one of the issues examined here.The bilingual programme of studies with its well-balanced contents consists of seminars and lectures on European literature from ancient times to the present day. The programme also includes exercises and colloquia on comparative practice (e.g. courses on theory and practice of translation or work with manuscripts) and interdisciplinary meetings on theoretical problems of comparative or general literature.
The core curriculum consists of courses offered by the Fribourg Institute for General and Comparative Literature (Institut de littérature générale et comparée/Institut für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft). These are complemented by lectures and seminars from other areas of literature and additional cultural events from other disciplines. Individual student care and support is not just an empty cliché with us in Fribourg: CL prides itself on close, personal scholarly exchange between students and teaching staff.
The CL programme opens up a wide array of career prospects in cultural, political and administrative areas, e.g. in publishing companies, theatres, foundations, archives and media, cultural management and the education system, public relations for various institutions (e.g. universities, enterprises and parties), federal and cantonal authorities, international organisations and NGOs, the diplomatic service, and development cooperation.
Studies organisation
Structure of studies
90 ECTS credits + 30 ECTS credits as an option in a minor study programme freely chosen, 3 to 4 semesters
Curriculum (French) (German)
Master's degree programmes are built on the knowledge and abilities that were acquired when obtaining a bachelor's degree.
Holders of a bachelor's degree awarded by a Swiss university are admitted to a master's degree programme without any preconditions if they have earned 60 or 90 ECTS credits – depending on the chosen master's degree programme – within the corresponding discipline. However, additional requirements can be required. The same applies to holders of a bachelor's degree awarded by a foreign university, provided that the bachelor's degree is recognised and considered equivalent by the University of Fribourg.
Holders of a bachelor's degree awarded by a Swiss or a foreign university, provided that the bachelor's degree is recognised and considered equivalent by the University of Fribourg, who do not fulfil this condition can be admitted to a master's degree programme with preconditions (which must be successfully completed before starting the master's degree programme) and/or additional requirements (which can be completed during the master's degree programme). The preconditions and/or additional requirements may not exceed 60 ECTS credits in total. The same applies to holders of a bachelor's degree awarded by a Swiss university of applied sciences, according to existing agreements.
The respective conditions of admission for each master's degree programme are reserved.
Particular conditions of admission for CL:
- Major (90 ECTS): admission without prerequisites for any graduate with a bachelor degree in a literary subject. Graduates with a degree in a non-literary subject can be admitted provided they follow an adjustment programme.
- Minor (30 ECTS): admission without prerequisites for any graduate with a bachelor degree from the Faculty of Humanities.
Also offered as a minor study programme (30 ECTS credits).
Minor study programmes to be chosen
Art History
Business Informatics
Communication and Society
Computer Science
Contemporary History
Culture, Politics and Religion in Pluralist Societies
Eastern European Studies
Education Sciences
English Language and Literature
Environmental Biology
Environmental Sciences and Humanities
Ethics and Economics
European Studies
French as a Foreign Language / French as a Second Language
French: Foundational Curriculum
Gender, Society, Social Policy
German as a Foreign Language / German as a Second Language
German Literary Studies
Greek Studies
Interreligious Studies
Islam and Society
Latin Studies
Medieval Studies
Multilingualism Studies
Musicology and History of Opera
Pedagogy / Psychology
Politics and Society
Slavic Studies
Social Policy and Social Work
Social Problems, Social Policy and Risk Prevention
Sport Sciences
Key points
Degree conferred
Master of Arts in Languages and Literatures: Comparative Literature
Languages of study
Study in two languages, in French and German
For information on the optional award of the distinction «Bilingual curriculum, French/German», please contact the relevant Department (see Contact).
Commencement of studies
Commencement of studies in the Autumn Semester (September) or in the Spring Semester (February)
Access to further studies
– HEPVS/PHVS: Diploma for Secondary Education Level II / Combined Diploma for Secondary Education Level I & II (under certain conditions)
– HEP-BEJUNE: under certain conditions
– PHBern: under certain conditions
– Ph.D.
Faculty of Humanities
Institute of Comparative Literature
Dr Sophie Jaussi (French) (German)